Monatsarchive: Juni 2012


Zmala is made of paper, contains words and pictures, has a lot of character, heroes. Zmala is about stories, in French and English. An independent review producing photographers collectives from all over the world. And Zmala needs your help. Support … Weiterlesen

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TIME Magazine

The American TIME Magazine just ran a story about my hometown Kiel, offering tips about where to go and what to do during Kiel Sailing Week, the world’s biggest sailing event – with photographs made by … me. Happy to … Weiterlesen

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Punctum contra punctum

The opening of the group exhibition puntcum contra punctum was a fabulous success – 19 artists and several hundred visitors gathering in a beautiful museum in Tbilisi, Georgia, to celebrate the visual arts. A very special thank you goes out … Weiterlesen

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wonderland representing Germany in Tbilisi

Very excited to leave for Tbilisi today to join a group of Georgian and international artists to show selected wonderland images and the wonderland movie in the group exhibition punctum contra punctum, an international exhibition of visual arts. The exhibition, … Weiterlesen

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What’s your price?

@duckrabbitblog recently posted an article discussing photojournalist Ron Haviv selling some of his work to arms manufacturer Lockheed Martin for their ad campaign. And started a vivid discussion about whether or not this is morally sustainable especially from a respected … Weiterlesen

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